
A widget-based progress tracking tool for high school students

In the course Learning Media Design, I had the opportunity to co-design Momentum, a learning management and progress tracking tool with City of Bridges High School.


UXR: Sep–Dec 2023
Design: Feb 2024

UXR: Sep–Dec 2023
Design: Feb 2024


UX Designer
UX Researcher


Ankitha Vasudev
Andrea Chisholm
Heysu Oh


City of Bridges HS


City of Bridges (CoB) is a progressive high school in Pittsburgh, PA. Our group focused on Personalized Learning Plan (PLP), a core part of CoB's curriculum, to motivate students to track their learning progress more responsibly.

Help the high school community to
foster self-accountability

Help the high school community to foster self-accountability

Motivate high school students to be self-accountable

Momentum fosters self-accountability and cultivates self-regulation, a pivotal yet
challenging skill in student development, among students by empowering them to
easily track their progress and communicate with teachers.

Momentum fosters self-accountability and cultivates self-regulation, a pivotal yet challenging skill in student development, among students by empowering them to easily track their progress and communicate with teachers.

Simplifying PLP management for students

Start of PLP block

Quick check-in form

Students fill out a widget form to inform teachers on how they will spend each PLP block.

During PLP block

Review meeting notes

Receive meeting notes generated by teachers to keep track.

After PLP block

Daily reflection prompts

After each PLP block, students are notified to fill out a reflection prompt curated by the instructor.

After project

PLP Portfolio

Once student completes a PLP, the app generates a portfolio including the grade, past entries, and student's emotion curve throughout the process. Students can utilize these portfolios to apply to internships and other academic programs.


The free and flexible nature of PLPs presents challenges in students fostering self-regulation and management skills.

Learning Management

No prescribed standardized method for documenting PLP progress.

Lack of regulation

Students often give up a PLP when they hit obstacles without justification.

Past Efforts

CoBHS previously used ‘Headrush’ to learning progress, but students felt overwhelmed by its cumbersome nature.

Documentation Method

Teachers use physical documentation for student progress, but the lack of a uniform system poses a management challenge.


How might we design a progress tracking tool for CoB students and teachers that effectively foster productive communication and self-accountability for students' learning?


Keeping CoB's core values
as the foundation of design

Keeping CoB's core values as the foundation of design

CoB values personal interconnections among teachers and students, and teachers provide autonomy in students navigating their own learning, which were two main focal points that we decided to design around.

Student-Teacher Relationship

Students feel understood and respected by their teachers.

Technology Use

Digital tools should not be a replacement for human interaction.

School Culture

Students should not feel forced in their learning process.


CoB students prefer digital tools that are simple and straightforward to use.

Keeping CoB's core values as the foundation of design

Students utilize their smartphones a lot, and each have their own favorite apps such as Google Calendar, iOS Notes, etc., to keep track of their tasks. The commonality between why students love these tools was that they are easy to use.


CoB teachers share one notebook to document student progress

Keeping CoB's core values as the foundation of design

Teachers currently use physical documentation to track student progress, but the lack of a uniform system poses a management challenge.

CoB Principal

I have a little brown notebook and go around to the students and write it down…the problem is that it is a singular physical object.



Help students bounce back once they hit roadblocks.

Motivate students bounce back once they hit obstacles.

Focusing on the "during PLP" phase to induce positive outcome and prevent give-ups.


Using a widget-based check-in app to pique student motivation

CoB values personal interconnections among teachers and students, and teachers provide autonomy in students navigating their own learning, which were two main focal points that we decided to design around.

We conducted speed dating with CoB teachers and students in grades 9–12 using 7 storyboards that outlines solution scenarios that streamlines the PLP process for both groups.

Student A

We love using widgets! It's fun to interact with, and I like the simplicity.

Student B

Temperature check-in form sounds good to me.

Student C

A widget check-in form is actually like the smartest thing ever, I love it.

Student D

I love widgets - It seems like a quick easy way to get it done

Teacher A

This could save a lot of time for me, it would be best if I could get to as many students as possible during PLP block.


A progress tracking platform to aid teacher's guidance to student in the PLP journey.

Teacher A

Students learning to be accountable of their learning management is crucial. Developing problem solving skills to get from A to B is as important or more than the final goal.

Student A

I don't want this to be a mandatory thing, it would be nice if was an optional thing that you know you can use when it's needed.

Teacher B

I’m the advisor for the freshmen, so it would be nice to know what they’re doing for PLP and see what their progress is instead of ask.


Mapping out the flow of communication for teachers and students.

We focused on designing a tool both on the student and teacher's end.


Designing the student interface focused on simplicity of use, and teacher interface on quick viewing experience.

Student Experience
Teacher Experience

Both the student and teacher experiences are built on "simplicity of use," to avoid overwhelming students and to help teachers organize mentorships more easily.


Students and teachers are on-board with the simplicity of a widget check-in tool, and had a couple suggestions to adhere the solution to CoB culture.


Students wanted the freedom to add more than just photos, such as audio recordings, drawings, videos, etc, as some PLP progress is not visually documentable.


Teachers would like to curate the daily PLP check-in prompt to reflect a current focus. For example, many students work on their Demonstrations of Learnings near the end of the semester.


for Students & Teachers

Motivate high school students to be self-accountable

A widget-based communication tool to help students keep the momentum with progress-tracking and learning management.

Logo design expired by Newton's cradle

A widget-based communication tool to help students keep the momentum with progress-tracking and learning management.


Overview of student experience


Daily PLP (Filled out)

PLP Portfolio (Completed PLP)


Teachers curate reflection prompts


Color-coding student activity type for easy recognition

To help teachers quickly recognize how students are spending PLP block, I used distinguished color palette

Student view
Teacher view


Using cards for a modular layout and avoid cluttering information

From widgets to mobile to dashboard, each element is designed to translate naturally to aid perception.

Mobile widget
Teacher view


Success Metrics

Although the scope of the project does not include development and launch, we established metrics to evaluate the success of this product if it were to be launched.

More than 75% of students utilize the check-in and reflection feature on Momentum weekly.
Students who previously gave up on a project complete 2 consecutive PLP in a row.
Teachers feel more confident and knowledgeable about their students progress & learning
Each student meets with PLP advisor at least once a week.